Glowing Galactic Adventure: Dive into a radiant universe with our Glow-in-the-Dark Galaxy Puzzle. Assemble the vibrant solar system by day, and watch it magically illuminate by night, unveiling hidden surprises!
Premium Craftsmanship: Every piece is crafted to perfection! Enjoy a seamless puzzle experience with our 100-piece set. Expertly crafted, each piece snugly clicks into the other, culminating in a stunning 18" x 12" masterpiece.
Details That Educate: Not just a puzzle, but a learning experience! Discover each planet, its size, and its distance from the sun, all labeled meticulously. Be prepared to be whisked away on a cosmic journey every time you assemble it.
Bonus Learning Cards: Dive deeper into the mysteries of our solar system with 9 detailed galaxy cards. Each card is dedicated to a planet on the puzzle, bursting with fascinating facts that fuel curiosity and knowledge.